Thursday, February 23, 2017

Study Guide for the Digestive & Nervous System

Study Guide 
for the 
Digestive & Nervous System

Correction:  Test:  Wednesday, March 1

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Homework for the Week of Feb. 27 - March 3

Homework for the
Week of
February 27 - March 3

Monday- Syllable- Divide all the spelling words into syllables.
Tuesday-  Caption Story- Cut out a picture from a magazine,  
                newspaper or copy from Google images and use 10
                spelling words to create a story based on the picture.
Wednesday-  Write each spelling word in cursive handwriting.
Thursday- Turn in all spelling homework and study for the test.
Friday- TEST!

Decimal of the Day

Due:  Thursday, March 2

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Homework for the Week of Feb. 13 - 17, 2017

for the 
Week of 
Feb. 20-24, 2017

Monday:  Syllable Words- Divide all of your spelling words into syllables (Ex.  in/struc/tion)

Tuesday:  Caption words- Cut out a picture from a newspaper, magazine or clipart and use spelling words (10) to write a story about the picture

Wednesday:  Write each word in cursive handwriting.

Thursday:  Turn in all spelling homework.  Study for test.

Friday:  Test

Decimal of the Day:  Due Thursday, February 23, 2017

for the 
Week of
February 13 - 17, 2017


Decimal of the Day:  Due Thursday, February 16, 2017